
UCF’s Laboratory for Autonomy-brain Exchange (LabX) engineers systems to optimize the loop between autonomy and brain. Fast, accurate flow of information, machine to human and back, predicts success or failure in critical tasks: driving, cybersecurity, and search and rescue, to name but a few. Reading artificial displays then touching or speaking to move information back to systems is slow, and error-prone. LabX has a mission to improve this exchange by orders of magnitude.

Our interdisciplinary research group spans disciplines, departments, and universities. Our UCF main campus space, housed in  state-of-the-art Research One, includes dedicated dry electrode EEG, large-scale VR, driving simulation, high-speed eyetracking, high-performance computing, and rapid prototyping. We perform radical interface redesign focusing on information exchange: typography optimization, redesigning human vision, training computer vision for body language, and building applied brain-machine interface. Our solutions are robust beyond the laboratory, in messy, sweaty, muddy, uneven real-world conditions.

LabX is in stealth mode until initial projects are complete. Dr. Ben D. Sawyer, Director, is actively seeking additional partnership and collaboration. Interested parties can contact